
Where can you find the results from the NAR surveys?

Data from NAR surveys and additional research projects are communicated in different ways.

NAR reports

Each year the general results from the NAR survey are presented in a report. These reports are in Dutch and you can find them here

NAR in figures

Results from the most recent NAR survey are also presented in 'NAR in figures'. This is an online interactive dashboard where you can view and compare various group data from the NAR. For instance, you can see the average ratings our participants have given since 2016 for different areas of life and compare these with Dutch averages (data from the Central Bureau for Statistics).

At 'NAR in figures', you can also view and compare data at the provincial level. For example, you can see per province the percentage of those with paid work or the satisfaction levels with received treatments.

Of course, in this dashboard, you can also access information on the most recent survey. Just like in the reports, there are graphs with data about the participants. These pages describe, among other things, how many participants took part in the annual survey, which treatments they underwent, what education they are pursuing, their living situation, and much more!

With this dashboard, we aim to make the data collected by the NAR more comprehensible for participants, healthcare providers, municipalities, journalists, and all other interested parties. 

Personal feedback

  • After each survey, participants receive a personal feedback report. This allows you to compare your scores with the average score of all NAR participants and those of similar age and gender.
  • This feedback offers a unique view of your personal profile or that of your child. Previous feedback has included topics like autistic characteristics, sensory processing, special interests, and satisfaction in different areas.

Note: The questionnaires aren't a definitive tool for diagnosing a condition. They only compare you to other NAR participants. It isn't a diagnosis. If the feedback raises concerns, consult your doctor.

Below are some sample feedback reports comparing a participant's scores with the average scores of all NAR participants and those of a similar age and gender:

Personal feedback of an adult male.

Personal feedback of an adult female.

Feedback for a parent of a child with autism.

Another parent of a child with autism's feedback.

Feedback for a legal guardian.

Another legal guardian's feedback.

(These examples are in Dutch and are based on fictional data)

Each year, NAR participants receive an online survey to update their personal and living situation details. Additionally, new topics are explored each year, so feedback content varies.


You can find an overview of all published scientific papers using NAR-data here.


Additionally, some NAR studies and data are disseminated in more mainstream Dutch media. You can find these news and magazine articles here